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ΑΤΗΕΝΑ - Sissy Doutsiou's video poem participates in the 10th New Writers’ Festival of the Thessaloniki Book Fair

  • Date:16/5/2024 10:31 AM - 19/5/2024 11:31 AM
  • Location Thessaloniki, Greece (Map)
  • More Info:Pavilion 14


The 20th Thessaloniki International Book Fair organizes the Poetry Black Box. 

POETRY BLACK BOX ◼️ Twenty poems will be constantly projected in Poetry Black Box (Pavilion 14), a new initiative of the 10th New Writers’ Festival, giving the audience the possibility to isolate themselves in their tour among the stands and to get in touch with the creations of 20 women and men poets of modern Greek reality.

In Veni Video Vici / Poetry at the time of the image action, videoartists, music producers, women and men poets produce all together new artistic creations and invite the spectator to press Pause, to stop running in the corridors and, being totally isolated in Poetry Black Box, to observe videopoems, to process the material and to recreate what they see taking place in front of them.

➡️ The women and men poets that take part are: Alisanoglou Yorgos, Amanatidis Vassilis, Gioulos Dimitris, Gitsi Anastasia, Gogos Thanos, Doutsiou Sissy, Erinakis Nikos, Kallergi Lena, Koulouri Maria, Lalou Aggeliki, Lioutsia Ioanna, Mainas Alexios, Margariti Irini, Milia Penny, Panagiotou Eftichia, Papacharalampos Konstantinos, Pappa Irini, Rondini Patrizia, Stefaneas Petros, Chalkiadaki Niki.

Coordination: Anastasia Gitsi, Yorgos Alisanoglou 

Organization: Hellenic Foundation for Culture