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Sissy Doutsiou read excerpts from a rare book published in 1946 by the publishing department of "Void of the Disabled People.

  • Date:30/11/2021 07:00 PM - 30/11/2021 10:15 AM
  • Location Eugenidou Foundation Greece (Map)


On November 30, 2021, at 19:00, at the Eugenidou Foundation, we present the rare book by Frixos V. Theofanidis, "Disabled People, The Pioneers of Freedom" published in 1946 by the publishing department of "Void of the Disabled People". 

The event is coordinated by members of ZERO TOLERANCE and the Doctor of History of the University of Athens, Menelaos Charalambidis. 

Excerpts from the book will be read also by:

Anna Maria Eleftheria Mantzourani, Apollonia Tsanta, Vassilis Koukalani, Costas Xykominos, Mania Papadimitriou, Marios Athanassiou, Panos Zournatzidis, Savvas Stroumpos and Tasos Sagris.

The invitation card will be held with simultaneous interpretation in Greek Sign Language and the space is accessible and friendly for the disabled. 

The event will also be broadcast online. 

The Eugenidou Foundation is a Covid free space